The Earth Protocol

Open Tooling and Platform

for a sustainable tomorrow.

Stay Notified

Climate Change is here, and we'repioneering tools for a sustainable tomorrow.Climate change is already showing signs of being a treat to both our planet and civilization. Without taking the right descisions, we are endangering future generations. We don't own the planet, we have to make efforts to save it. Without the right tools, technology, research, and incentive, it would be hard to accomplish the goal of accomplishing net-zero emissions in the coming decades.We're building an open platform for individuals, organizations and governments to utilize tools and products to improve their pathway to reducing their carbon footprint and achieving sustainability goals. We are optimistic about the goals and have an exciting roadmap ahead. With adequete support, we are sure to have great largescale impact to solve the climate crisis.
Meet the solution
Climate change is already showing signs of being a treat to both our planet and civilization. Without taking the right descisions, we are endangering future generations. We don't own the planet, we have to make efforts to save it. Without the right tools, technology, research, and incentive, it would be hard to accomplish the goal of accomplishing net-zero emissions in the coming decades.


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Curated Itenary Carefully curated iternary with the best sights and restuarents at your vacation so you do not have to be confused about where to head or eat next.
All in one Pass!A pre-packaged subscription to cater all your payment needs cashless and without the need to convert currencies.
Guaranteed Rewards Get guaranteed reward in coupons from your favourite brands or cyrpto, everytime you make a green choice while travelling.

We take care of all your travel hassles

So you can peacfully take the vacation, while

Relaxing and Enjoying.

The Earth ProtocolOpen tooling for a sustainable tomorrow
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